Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Tung, tung.

Attempting to compile a list of favorite tracks and albums of the past decade '01-10 (there's no such thing as year zero). Maybe, probably actually, i'll post that list with a corresponding download. Gonna take a while. In the meantime, ponder this.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


(and by ’we’ i mean you)

So, how are we doing?. Good, glad to hear it. Maybe i could dispense with such formalities if I ever felt like posting up things more often. Maybe. Maybe here.

So i found an old journal of mine the other day. It has maybe 15-20 entries in it. All cryptic, but some are dated so i can kind of understand them but not totally. The years in between, sever the emotion of a memory. Anyway i found an entry one of my friends wrote. Well two actually, both by different friends. (who will go unnamed, thanks)

The first one reads: "Cry, cry, cry. Fake depression fucks with ya."

The second one is titled: "Why Imri goes to (friend's) Inferno"
-Pretending you love someone
-Lying to people
-No faith/will
-Vague complicated references
-Killing prostitutes (fantasy)
-Being a freak
-Abusive to family
(there is a crude representation of me as a stick figure, surrounded by flames yelling 'ouch')

Wow, I'd either forgotten about them or hadn't even realized. Let's say that's how it goes respectively. But it's made me think, and more so it's made me write this. So thanks. Thanks a lot.

For such slanderous words.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

i rush past faces i read daily, then past my own thoughts. here i am: talking to myself. so, i say hello.

right now this song is driving me crazy.

i saw the smoking popes for the first time last spring and the idea of new songs after nearly a decade, especially something that good, is an answered prayer. my little sister said she made it her myspace profile's song. for someone i sort of consider a guiedette, that's a little scary and awesome at the same time. blame me.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

first blog

i dunno i think i'm drunk. we'll see.